Animals world

Friday, May 11, 2012

Intraspecific competetion in animal world

It is the law of nature that there is always the different types of competition  going in nature among the living organisms including the animals of nature. There are mainly three different types of competition going on in nature. They are :
-Intra specific competition
- Inter specific competetion and
- the competetion or the struggle going on against the forces of nature.
Intra specific competition or intrspecific struggle: It is the struggle or competition going on in nature between the animals of the same species. In this type of competition, there is the struggle going on mainly for the food, for space to live in and for the mating partner.
Inters pecific struggle or inter specificcompetition: This is the struggle going on in nature mainly for the food. This type of struggle takes place between a predator and the prey. In this type of competition one animal called predator usually kills the animal which is its prey. This type of competition takes place in the form of the predator and the prey relationship.
Struggle against the forces of nature:  The third type of competition goes on in such a way that all the animals are doing struggle to survive against the forces of nature which are not under the control. For example, flood, land slide, erosion, earthquake, storms like hurricane, tornado etc are the naturAL factors which occur unexpectedly and cause the destruction of large number of the living animals.
  Only a few animals are able to survive in the natural disaster and the large number of them die in the struggle.This phenomenon is known as the ''Struggle for existence''. Struggle for existence is the important part of Darwin's theory. It is the important element of Darwinism.

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