Introduction: It is very necessary and interesting to know that each and every living organism in the world are trying to survive or in the process of survival from the very beginning. Those animals which can survive best in the different types of changed environmental conditions can survive and adapt in nature. Such animals are considered to be successful animals of nature. On the other hand there are some animals which can not survive or adapt in the different types of the changed environmental conditions can no more survive in nature. For example Dinosaurs of the mesozoic era.
Why were dinosaurs wiped out in nature? Dinosaurs were the animals of mesozoic era in the history of earth. Formerly, they were dominating all the other animals of nature by their huge body which was more than a ton of body weight. But they had the less developed brain than the mammals. Suddenly the environment was changed in nature and all the herbivorous food source was destroyed.Dinosaurs which were dependent in the herbivorous food could not change the food habit from the herbivorous to the carnivorous type. Only those animals who could change their food habit survived in nature and the others which could not adjust their food habit from the herbivorous to carnivorous were destroyed in nature. This phenomena is known as the "survival of fittest."
What is natural selection? Natural selection is also one of the important phenomena in nature. It is one of the point of the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin which is popularly known as "Darwinism". According to the point "the natural selection", Nature helps those animals which help themselves. In other words, nature selects only those animals which are fittest in the survival process of nature. But those animals who could not change to adapt and survive in the different types of the changed environmental conditions are no more selected by natural in the list of new species.
Advantage of natural selection. the phenomena of natural selection is the important element of Darwin's theory which acts positively in the process of organic evolution or the gradual development of living organisms in nature.It gives strong evidence in favour of the fact that organic evolution has taken place in the earth and it is still an ongoing process.
Why were dinosaurs wiped out in nature? Dinosaurs were the animals of mesozoic era in the history of earth. Formerly, they were dominating all the other animals of nature by their huge body which was more than a ton of body weight. But they had the less developed brain than the mammals. Suddenly the environment was changed in nature and all the herbivorous food source was destroyed.Dinosaurs which were dependent in the herbivorous food could not change the food habit from the herbivorous to the carnivorous type. Only those animals who could change their food habit survived in nature and the others which could not adjust their food habit from the herbivorous to carnivorous were destroyed in nature. This phenomena is known as the "survival of fittest."
What is natural selection? Natural selection is also one of the important phenomena in nature. It is one of the point of the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin which is popularly known as "Darwinism". According to the point "the natural selection", Nature helps those animals which help themselves. In other words, nature selects only those animals which are fittest in the survival process of nature. But those animals who could not change to adapt and survive in the different types of the changed environmental conditions are no more selected by natural in the list of new species.
Advantage of natural selection. the phenomena of natural selection is the important element of Darwin's theory which acts positively in the process of organic evolution or the gradual development of living organisms in nature.It gives strong evidence in favour of the fact that organic evolution has taken place in the earth and it is still an ongoing process.
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