Their body can be divided into the three parts: they are anterior head, middle thorax and the posterior abdomen. Head consists of a pair of compund eyes, a pair of clavate antennae and mouth parts. They have the siphoning type of mouth parts which is adapted for sucking up the nectars of flowers. This type of mouth part consists of a well-developed proboscis which is used to form a sucking tube for collecting nectar of flowers. They have one pair of wings which lie vertical in position when they are at the resting stage.They remain active during the day time. Such animals are called diurnal animals.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Butterfly, the beautiful animal of nature
Their body can be divided into the three parts: they are anterior head, middle thorax and the posterior abdomen. Head consists of a pair of compund eyes, a pair of clavate antennae and mouth parts. They have the siphoning type of mouth parts which is adapted for sucking up the nectars of flowers. This type of mouth part consists of a well-developed proboscis which is used to form a sucking tube for collecting nectar of flowers. They have one pair of wings which lie vertical in position when they are at the resting stage.They remain active during the day time. Such animals are called diurnal animals.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Amphibians of Nepal
Purplw Caecilian (Ichthyophis glutinosa) is a burrowing amphibian reported from the locality of Butwal area. It is the only representative genus and species from the order Apoda.
Himalayan newt or salamander (Tylototrion verrucosus) commonly called pani kukur is the only urodel found in Arun valley of Nepal.
Giardia, the endoparasite
Giardia has an elliptical body which is bilaterally symmetrical. The dorsal side is convex, but the ventral side is flat or may be convex.. The anterior end is rounded and the posterior end is tapering.In the anterior half of the ventral surface is a concave sucking disc for attachment to the host.There are two vesicular nuclei and four pairs of long flagella.Passing through teh cytoplasm from the anterior to the posterior end are two parallel ,flexible, needle like axostyleswhich support the body. The nuclei are attached by fibrils to the axostyles. Just behind he sucking discs is a deep staining parabasal body.
Giardia prevents absorption of fats by the host inside the body of which it lives. The unabsorbed fat causes diarrhoea.It also forms oval thick-walled cysts. Cyst undergoes the division of nuclei inside it as a result of which four nuclei are formed. The cysts pass out with the faeces and remain infective for about ten daysor more. The parasites can be removed by the treatment of the disease by the help of antimalarial drugs like chloroquin ans antrebrin.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
As the dinosaurs were the huge bodied dominant animals as frightening as any animals with their fearful appearance every body especially children are afraid of their name. They always use to ask the different questions regarding dinosaurs how they are, what they do, what they eat, where they live , How often they us etc appear in the different forms , how to see them without fear etc etc. Any way dinosaurs are the fearful reptiles like the huge lizards which were flourishing in the mesozoic era of the earth's history. They were dominating all the animals of nature including the human beings
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