Amphibians of Nepal are of various types. There are 43 species of amphibians reported from Nepal according to (Shaha,1995) and Tiwari (2004).Shaha and Tiwari reported 53 species of amphibians from Nepal in "Herpeto fauna of Nepal: A conservation companion". They are of considerable aesthetic and economic importance. Some of them are found in great abundance in the remote hills and plains of Nepal. Some formerly common have become increasingly rare due to habitat destruction, pollution of the streams, lakes etc where they live. In the villages , the frogs are extensively hunted for commercial purposes. Some tree frogs are caught and kept in earthen pots and marketed in the living form.The killed frogs are dried or smoked and are sold in the off season.
Purplw Caecilian (Ichthyophis glutinosa) is a burrowing amphibian reported from the locality of Butwal area. It is the only representative genus and species from the order Apoda.
Himalayan newt or salamander (Tylototrion verrucosus) commonly called pani kukur is the only urodel found in Arun valley of Nepal.
i want more list of amphibiana plz!