What is pterodactyle? It is also known as flying fox. It is more or less like the fox in appearance but it is unlike the fox because a fox can no more fly but what it amazing with the Pterodactyle is that it is the flying mammal which can fly but not with its true wing but with its patagia or wing like structures. Pterodactyles are the fruit -eating bats. They are seen hanging over the branches of the trees with head in downward position. Due to their capacity to fly in the air although the flight is of not so long distance, they are known as flying fox. They show the general characters of mammals like hair covered body, a pair of pinnae for collecting sound waves, pentadactyle limbs, four-chambered heart, viviparity i.e. giving birth to young ones and warmbloodedness. There are two different types of bats, one type are the insectivorous bats which are of small size in comparison to the pterodactyle. But the large sized bats are frugivorous in nature.
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