Animals world

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Monkey ,the familiar animal of nature

monkey 11018 - Monkeys WallpapersMonkey is the familiar animal of nature. It is found almost all over the world. Monkeys are distributed in the forest areas. But sometimes they come near the human dwellings. They live in groups.The zoological name of monkey is Macaca mulatta. That is its genus is Macaca and species is mulatta. Monkeys have the general characters like that of human beings in many of the points which are as follows:
- They have the body which is covered with hairs.
- They have one pair of external ears known as pinna.
- They have two pairs of limbs, one pair of forelimbs and one pair of hind limbs.
- They have the four - chambered heart.
- They are also viviparous animals i.e.they do not lay eggs but give birth to the young ones.
-They are warm-blooded animals. i.e. they keep the body temperature constant all the year round.
  Monkeys are well known as the naughty animals of nature. They have the herbivorous food habit. They show the very good example of group behavior.

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