1.They have the stream-lined body
2. Body is covered with feathers which provide the good insulating mechanism to their body.Feathers help them to decrease the body weight as well.
3. Forelimbs are modified in the form of wings which help them to fly in air.
4. They have the hard and curved beak which are white or red in colour. Beak halps them to tear the nuts and hard fruits.
5. The colour of the body is very attractive with :amixture of green and lemon yellow which looks brilliant tot eh viewers.
6. Their tail is cylindrical and help them to balance the body in air during their flight.
Parrots as the beautiful cage bird: Parrot is the beautiful cage bird. It has the sweet voice and it can imitate certain words of human beings. So people use to keep them inside the cage and use to hear their sweet song time to time.
Role of parrot in ecosystem: Parrot is not only the beautiful animal of nature but also has the important role in balancing the natural system called ecosystem. Being the herbivorous bird, it is included under the primary consumer in the food chain of ecosystem. They help to balance the number of producers in an ecosystem which is their role of balancing the ecosystem. As a whole they are helping to protect the environment by balancing the ecological system.
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